Why did I choose this career?


I chose this career because I liked the idea of ​​knowing more about social inequality and the ways in which institutions sought to confront it, in addition to learning group techniques to be able to manage changes and transformations in society.
I studied law before, but I didn't like it, because it was so boring.
When I was little I wanted to be a "show woman" and a nun haha. As a teenager I liked marine biology, astronomy and environmental engineering. But finally, I decided on the humanist side.
The truth is, I didn't have many other options when I entered this university, I thought about anthropology but not much.
So far I really like the University of Chile, with the pandemic I have become unmotivated, but I hope it will end soon.
I dream of working in Sename, the jail or the court. Although I did not like the law career, I do like the legal area. It would also like to work at a college or something similar.
But hey, time and my abilities will take me where I need to go.

 Social Work: Is a Doctorate Necessary? - RocketNews | Top ...


  1. I would also like to work with the children of Sename, we have many interests in common


  2. I would also like to work with the children of Sename, we have many interests in common


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